Strategic Planning in the Middle of COVID-19

Caroline Mallory (Indiana State University College of Health and Human Services); Whitney Nesser (Indiana State University College of Health and Human Services)

Issue: Strategic planning (SP) is difficult, butthe COVID-19 pandemic further complicates efforts and jeopardizes the outcome. What is the best way to accomplish SP during the COVID-19 crisis?

Method: Indiana State University College of Health and Human Services developed a strategic plan in 2018. Using the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results framework the College will revise the plan this year. Anticipated challenges to SP include the stress response of faculty, staff, and students that reduces efficiency and effectiveness, fewer resources and an increased workload, competing priorities, and perceived relevance of SP in the midst of overwhelming uncertainty. We will work to overcome these challenges by engaging our colleagues early, recognizing the challenges, adopting a solutions focused attitude, limiting the workload associated with SP, and implementing a practical project plan.

Outcomes: Our goal is to have a strategic plan approved by the College by April 2021.

Conclusion: The short-term (hopefully) COVID-19 pandemic cannot be allowedto derail our vision and mission. SP in an uncertain environment offers up a unique opportunity in which new ideas can form, mindsets can change, and innovation is accelerated.

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