The Role Of Nursing In Enhancing Patient Health Literacy Skills

The American Academy of Nursing on Policy has addressed the importance of enhancing health literacy skills in health care systems and community health care settings. The overarching goal of policy statement is to influence policy in three domains—practice, systems of care, and partnerships—to minimize the gap between patient skills and abilities and the demands and complexities of health care systems.

More information about this policy can be obtained at

Effects Of Tuition Increases On Racial/Ethnic Diversity At Public Institutions

Results of a study suggest that tuition increases at open-access, non-selective public four-year institutions are associated negatively and significantly with the racial/ethnic diversity of enrolled students. This same negative relationship can be seen among two-year public institutions. The effects are more pronounced in full-time, first-time freshmen as compared to the overall full-time campus population.

Additional information can be obtained at

The National Health Service Corps

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) is a clinician recruitment and retention program administered by the Bureau of Health Workforce in the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) that aims to reduce health workforce shortages in underserved areas. Under its three components, health providers receive either scholarships or loan repayments in exchange for a service commitment at an NHSC-approved facility located in a federally designated health professional shortage area (HPSA).

A Congressional Research Service report that provides information about this program can be obtained at

Changes In Marketplace Insurance Premiums 2017-2018

A new report from the Urban Institute delineates factors that contributed to large 2018 marketplace health insurance premium increases, provides state-by-state estimates of average premium increases in silver (70 percent actuarial value) and gold (80 percent actuarial value) plans in the marketplaces, and provides more detailed analysis of changes in select markets within 20 states.

The report can be obtained at

House Passes FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Bill

The House of Representatives today voted 256-167 to approve an omnibus spending bill to fund federal discretionary programs through September. The $1.3 trillion bill, released last night after an agreement by congressional leaders and the White House, includes $88.1 billion for Department of Health and Human Services programs, a $10.1 billion increase from fiscal year 2017. The current continuing resolution (CR) funding the government expires tomorrow at midnight.

The bill can be obtained at

Medicare Advantage And Medicaid Managed Care Financial Performance

While many health plans increasingly regard Medicare Advantage and Medicaid managed care as growth engines, a recent analysis indicates that health plan financial performance in these segments between 2011 and 2016 varied widely, with significant differences related to scale, tenure, and geography. Six key findings are described in a new report from Deloitte.

The report can be obtained at file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/us-health-plan-financial-trends-2018.pdf.

Results Of CMS’s Updated Hospital Quality Evaluation Formula

The number of top-rated hospitals in the US quadrupled—from 83 to 337—after the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised the methodology behind its Hospital Quality Star Rating system. At the same time, twice as many hospitals landed on the low end of the ratings spectrum. Under CMS’s original ratings formula, just six (1 percent) large US hospitals received a 5-star rating in July 2016 compared with 48 (11 percent) under the new methodology. More small hospitals also have a 5-star rating—121 small hospitals (9 percent) compared with 51 (4 percent) in 2016.  

More information can be obtained at

Transferring From Associate Degree To Bachelor’s Degree Programs

A new report from the American Council on Education (ACE) shows that earning an associate degree prior to transferring to a four-year institution for recent high school graduates neither increased nor decreased their likelihood of completing a bachelor’s degree. It suggests, however, that prospective transfer students still may want to consider completing an associate degree first and offers recommendations for policy and practice to increase degree attainment.

The report can be obtained at


Americans’ Views On Health Insurance

Thirty-six percent of Americans who have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) marketplaces and 27 percent of those with Medicaid coverage are pessimistic about keeping coverage in the future, according to a new Commonwealth Fund survey.

The survey brief can be obtained at

Future Role of Government in Health Information Technology and Digital Health

Health IT Now and the Bipartisan Policy Center convened a work group of organizations representing clinicians, patients, hospitals, and technology companies to assess the current regulatory landscape, identify the most pressing needs of users, and develop consensus on the ideal future role of government in a post-meaningful use era, and a rapidly evolving delivery system and technology environment. 

A report was produced by the work group and it can be obtained at

What’s Ahead For The Individual Health Insurance Market

On Tuesday, March 6, the Brookings Institution hosted an event examining where the individual market is today and where it is heading. The event opened with a brief presentation summarizing recent market trends. A panel discussion occurred on where the market stands today and how insurers’, consumers’, and state regulators’ reactions to pending federal policy changes will shape the market’s evolution in the years to come.

A transcript of the event can be obtained at

Competition And Premiums In States With Just One Marketplace Insurer

In 2017, there were five states where only one insurer participated in the health care marketplace: Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Wyoming. A new Commonwealth Fund Issue Brief examines the history, before and after the ACA’s passage in 2010, of the individual insurance market in five, mostly rural, states and how premiums changed as the number of carriers declined.

The Issue Brief can be obtained at

Allied Health Centralized Application Service (AHCAS) Webinar

Come see how AHCAS, a Centralized Application Service (CAS™) for allied health programs, is revolutionizing the allied health program application experience during AHCAS: See it in Action on Tuesday, March 13th from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, you’ll see how AHCAS helps allied health program applicants apply to multiple programs through a single, centralized application form and one set of supporting documentation, applicable by program selection, as well as feel more connected to programs of interest through responsive application support, proactive communications and real-time application status updates.

Register for the webinar here

Generation Gap In American Politics

A report from the Pew Research Center examines the attitudes and political values of four living adult generations in the United States. Given that many individuals who are in these different generations may express their opinions by voting in elections, issues such as health care policy can be influenced.

The report can be obtained at file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/03-01-18-Generations-release.pdf.

NASEM Workshop on A Systems Approach to Alleviating Work-Induced Stress and Improving Health

A workshop through the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, " A Systems Approach to Alleviating Work-induced Stress and Improving Health, Well-being, and Resilience of Health Professionals Within and Beyond Education"  will take place on April 26-27, 2018.  The workshop will explore how a design thinking-systems approach could be used for tailoring interventions that address the unique needs of each care and health professions educational organization by drawing upon the assets of the organization and the individuals that make up their community. Registration for the workshop is now open. 

Further details and the link for in person or online registration may be accessed here

Consumer Views On The Affordable Care Act

An Issue Brief from The Commonwealth Fund discusses the result of a survey of beneficiaries who have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to obtain their views on the marketplaces, Medicaid, and other health insurance matters. The findings are compared to prior previous ACA surveys.

The Issue Brief can be obtained at

Electronic Access To Health Information

Hospitals and health systems continue to enhance their ability to share essential patient information electronically with health care providers and engage patients in their health care, according to two reports released today by the American Hospital Association (AHA). Nearly all hospital patients (93%) can views their health record information online, up from 27% in 2012, although larger hospitals continue to be able to offer greater access and functionality than smaller hospitals. Also, 74% of hospitals and health systems can share clinical or summary of care records electronically with hospitals outside their system.

The reports can be obtained at and