Call for Mentors and Mentees Deadline Extended

Deadline extended to May 31

We are pleased to open our 2024 Call for Mentors and Mentees application process. This will be the fourth year of the mentorship program.

Call for Mentors
We are looking for experienced deans and senior administrators who each would be willing to serve as a 1:1 peer coach/mentor for
1) individuals in the role of Associate/Assistant Dean/Faculty positions at their institutions as they prepare to seek promotion opportunities, and
2) new Deans who would like to engage in coaching and/or mentorship to facilitate success in their new role.

Apply to be a Mentor

Call for Mentees
The mentee program is targeted at individuals who would like to engage in coaching and/or mentorship to facilitate their success in health professions administration in higher education. The call for mentees is open to all ASAHP members, regardless of academic rank. 

Apply to be a Mentee

If you are interested in being a mentor or mentee, please submit fill out the respective applications by Friday, May 31 (original deadline May 22). The official mentor/mentee program will be for one year. Contact Kristen Truong at if you have any questions.