House Advances FY 24 Labor-HHS-Education Funding Bill

The House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee marked up its FY 24 funding bill last week, passing it along party lines. The overall funding level for the bill is 29% below the FY 23 level. Amendments to the bill were held off until full Committee markup, which may be held next week, though it has not yet been announced. The Department of Education would receive a 28% overall cut. The House Appropriations bills have $119 billion less than the spending caps agreed to earlier this year in the bipartisan debt limit agreement. However, successful House-Senate negotiations later this year will require compromise and the support of moderates in both parties to achieve enough votes for final passage. The Senate Labor-HHS-Education bill is expected to be marked up in Subcommittee on July 27th. After next week, the House is scheduled to be on recess for five weeks and the Senate is scheduled to be on recess for six weeks.

Bill text and the House Republican summary may be accessed here. The House Democratic summary may be accessed here.