ASAHP Comments on the Department of Education’s Proposed Rulemaking

Comments on the Department of Education's proposed regulations covering state authorization, gainful employment, ability to benefit, and more were due on Tuesday, June 20. ASAHP submitted comments as well as joined a joint-comment letter led by the American Council on Education (ACE). ASAHP called on the Department of Education to withdraw its proposed regulations language that institutions must meet all state consumer protection laws related to closure, recruitment, and misrepresentations out of concern the language could significantly increase compliance burdens, decrease access to postsecondary education and clinical rotations, and result in the dismantling of current reciprocity agreements which have benefitted ASAHP institutional members. ASAHP also expressed concern regarding a potential unintended consequence of the proposed language that requires an institution to provide students with accessible clinical opportunities.

ASAHP’s comments may be accessed here, and the joint comment letter led by ACE may be accessed here.