Congress Passes Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act

On Thursday evening the Senate passed by voice vote the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act. The bill passed the House in December 2021. The bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to award grants or contract to health care entities, including entities that provide health care services, such as hospitals, community health centers, and rural health clinics, or to medical professional associations, to establish or enhance evidence-based or evidence-informed programs dedicated to improving mental health and resiliency for health care professionals. In addition, HHS may award grants to health professions schools, academic health centers, State or local governments, Indian Tribes or Tribal organizations, or other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities (or consortia of entities, including entities promoting multidisciplinary approaches) to support the training of health care students, residents, or health care professionals in evidence-based or evidence-informed strategies to address mental and substance use disorders and improve mental health and resiliency among health care professionals.
More details may be accessed here.