Expansion of Qualified Persons to Administer COVID Vaccines Under the PREP Act Declaration

President Biden made a primetime address on Thursday evening in which he announced that every American adult will be eligible to sign up for the COVID-19 by May 1 and that small groups should be able to celebrate by July 4. The Administration also announced new efforts to allow more individuals to administer vaccinations. Through an amendment to the PREP Act, newly eligible vaccinators include: Dentists, Emergency Medical Technicians (Advanced and Intermediate EMTs), Midwives, Optometrists, Paramedics, Physician Assistants, Podiatrists, Respiratory Therapists, and Veterinarians. This amendment also authorizes qualified recently retired members of the above professions, pharmacists and pharmacy interns to serve as vaccinators. The amendment authorizes students of eligible health care professions with proper training and professional supervision to serve as vaccinators. This important expansion of qualified persons opens the door for almost one million skilled students to administer COVID-19 vaccines with supervision. A fact sheet is available here. Vaccinators may check eligibility and volunteer with their state here. ASAHP and Students Assist America have been working with HHS on this issue. ASAHP joined a stakeholder call with HHS on the matter this afternoon. HHS is working on a FAQ document to be released soon.