Advancing Health Equity

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has outlined an action plan that demonstrates the Biden Administration’s ongoing efforts to provide high-quality, affordable health care for all individuals, regardless of their background, and to drive health equity across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

More information can be obtained at CMS Strategic Plan Pillar: Health Equity.

Opening The Door For States To Address Drivers Of Health In Medicaid

The Commonwealth Fund indicates in a blog that states increasingly are turning to Medicaid to address social drivers of health that contribute significantly to health outcomes, like living conditions and access to nutritious food. Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved a proposal from California to provide “in lieu of” services a robust menu of health-related services offered to beneficiaries through Medicaid managed care.  

The blog can be obtained at New Policy Opens the Door for States to Address Drivers of Health in Medicaid | Commonwealth Fund.

ASAHP Joins FASHP Letter on Mental and Behavioral Health

ASAHP and other members of the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP) wrote a letter to Congressional Committee leaders to encourage the inclusion of health professions education and training programs in their legislative efforts to address the mental health challenges facing our country.

The letter may be accessed here.

Nexus Summit 2022 Registration is Now Open

Registration for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s Nexus Summit 2022 - Learning Together in the Nexus: A Focus on What Matters Most, is now open. The conference will include both in-person and virtual experiences. An in-person component will take place in Minneapolis on August 21-24 and a virtual component will take place September 13-14.

More details may be accessed here.

Why and How to Build Awareness of Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare Curricula

Craig Jackson, MSW, JD, was featured on THE Campus discussing “Why and How to Build Awareness of Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare Curricula.” Dr. Jackson currently serves as a Director on ASAHP’s Board of Directors and as Dean for the School of Allied Health Professions at Loma Linda University.

Watch the video here.

DoublePell Alliance Webinar: How Student Advocacy Can Help Make #DoublePell Happen

The #DoublePell Alliance will hold a webinar titled, “Join the Movement: How Student Advocacy Can Help Make #DoublePell Happen.” This event, held on April 26, from 1-2:15pm ET, is intended for student advocates and student organizers on campus to learn how to ensure Congress hears why increasing the Pell Grant is so important to making college affordable. The event will feature Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI), advocacy experts, and current students as they explain how to get involved in #DoublePell advocacy efforts while emphasizing the importance of the Pell Grant in making college dreams a reality. The free webinar will include discussion, Q&A, and a walkthrough of campaign materials. Participants will leave this event with a strong understanding of how to get involved in the #DoublePell campaign.

Register here.


Mitigating A Health Care Workforce Crisis

With health care workforce shortages having been predicted long before the COVID-19 pandemic, the latest Milbank Quarterly Opinion looks at the numbers in national and historical contexts, offering some suggestions to counter the expected higher rate of workforce churn in an industry that used to be seen as recession-proof. 

The Opinion can be obtained at Getting Health Care Workers Back to Work and Other Workforce Shortage Challenges | Milbank Memorial Fund.

Public Health Emergency Extended

On Wednesday, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extended the public health emergency declaration by 90 days, to mid-July, and allowing pandemic policies to continue. HHS said it will provide states with at least 60 days’ notice prior to any ending of the declaration.

The renewal of the public health emergency determination may be accessed here.

2022 IPEC Interprofessional Leadership Development Program

The 2022 ILDP, titled Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice: Leadership Strategies for Bridging the Gaps, will be held at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center in Atlanta, GA from June 22-24, 2022.

Designed for leaders, directors, and program coordinators responsible for campus-wide interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives and residency/fellowship leaders in IPE for collaborative practice (CP), ILDP participants will develop an actionable plan for bridging the education-to-practice gap at their institution, along with a process to measure success.

To view the program schedule and to register, click here.

Liaison AHCAS Education Sessions

Liaison is holding a new round of AHCAS (Allied Health) Education Sessions. Built on the same platform as other health-profession based application services, such as OTCAS, PTCAS, CASPA, and others, AHCAS is the premier application system, uniting programs across dozens of health-profession based disciplines to give applicants a streamlined, cost-effective approach to application submission.

ASAHP and Friends of HRSA Recommend Robust HRSA Funding for FY 23

ASAHP was one of 99 members of the Friends of HRSA coalition and other supporting organizations that recommended providing at least $9.8 billion for discretionary HRSA programs in the FY 2023 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. Strong funding for HRSA is critical to supporting all of HRSA’s activities and programs, which are essential to protect the health of our communities.

The letter to Congressional appropriators may be accessed here.

Health And Health Care For Women Of Reproductive Age

According to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. health care system consistently fails to meet the needs of women of reproductive age, whether for maternal care, primary care, or mental health care. A comparison is made involving health care access and outcomes for women ages 18 to 49 in 11 high-income countries.  

The report can be obtained at Health and Health Care for Women of Reproductive Age | Commonwealth Fund.

Congressionally Directed Spending (Earmarks) Request Opportunity

The Senate Appropriations Committee has released new guidelines on Congressionally Directed Spending (earmarks) for FY 23. Each Member of the Senate may request grants for projects within their states. While the deadline for Member submissions to the Committee for LHHSED projects is May 25, 2022 each Senate office may set a different deadline for when the requests must be submitted to their respective offices and some deadlines are very soon. Institutions that are considering making a request should check with their respective Senator’s office for their deadline.

More details may be accessed here. Eligible agencies and accounts within LHHSED may be accessed here. More details on House earmarks may be accessed here.