Racial Disparities Tracker Launched

A Health Care Workforce Diversity Tracker was launched at The George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health. It analyzes workforce diversity in 10 health care professions by displaying a map outlining the diversity of graduates and health care workers, including nurses, dentists, therapists, physicians, and pharmacists in comparison to the diversity of the general population. The map shows that minority representation in health care professions is well below minority representation in the general U.S. population. 

The tracker can be obtained at Milken faculty launch tracker showing racial disparities in health care workforce – The GW Hatchet.

Student Borrower Protection Center Hosts Upcoming Webinars

On Thursday, the Student Borrower Protection Center and the UCI School of Law is hosting a webinar entitled, “Delivering on Debt Relief: Scoring the Biden Administration’s Progress and Building a Roadmap for 2022”. The webinar will feature remarks by Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Julie Morgan, Deputy Under Secretary at the Department of Education. On Monday, December 20, the Student Borrower Protection Center, the Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid Federal Student Aid, and UnidosUS will host a webinar on “Accessing Public Service Loan Forgiveness: What Borrowers Need to Know”.

More information and registration links may be accessed here and here.

Closing Evidence Gaps In Clinical Prevention

The report Closing Evidence Gaps In Clinical Prevention refers to prevention recommendations described by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and other clinical practice guideline developers and presents a taxonomy of these evidence gaps for future use. This report aims to improve the coordination of efforts to describe and communicate priority evidence gaps among funders and researchers. It also proposes new opportunities for collaboration among researchers, funders, and guideline developers to accelerate research that could close evidence gaps.

The report can be obtained at Closing Evidence Gaps in Clinical Prevention | The National Academies Press (nap.edu).

Medicare Beneficiaries’ Use Of Telehealth

A report from the office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation at HHS provides information for policy considerations by analyzing trends in Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiary use of telehealth compared to in-person visits in 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic and in 2020 during the pandemic. The number of Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiary telehealth visits increased 63-fold in 2020, from approximately 840,000 in 2019 to nearly 52.7 million in 2020. Despite the increase in telehealth visits during the pandemic, total utilization of all Medicare FFS Part B clinician visits declined about 11% in 2020 compared to levels in 2019. Most beneficiaries (92%) received telehealth visits from their homes, which was not permissible in Medicare prior to the pandemic. 

The report can be obtained at https://aspe.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/a1d5d810fe3433e18b192be42dbf2351/medicare-telehealth-report.pdf.

IPEC Webinar Series: December 15

This webinar presentation features recent winners of the 2021 Public Health Excellence in Interprofessional Education Collaboration Award from Kean University. Their multi-disciplinary project, The Effectiveness of Patient Navigation using Motivational Interviewing and m-Health Technology on Patient Activation & Engagement: A Pilot Study, is the result of a collaborative effort of faculty representing Nursing, Educational Leadership, Speech Language Pathology, Physician Assistant Studies, Occupational Therapy, Mathematics, Community Health, as well as a number of external organizations.

Learn more and register here.

Supporting The Health Care Workforce

An advertorial published today in the Wall Street Journal highlights the growing challenges facing the nation’s health care workforce, how America’s hospitals and health systems are working to support them, and the need for policymakers at every level of government to do the same. 

The advertorial can be obtained at https://www.aha.org/aha-news/2021-12-02-supporting-health-care-workers-who-supported-all-us.

Week 3 Marketplace Enrollment Snapshot

In week three (November 14-November 20, 2021) of the 2022 Open Enrollment Period, approximately 810,000 individuals selected individual market plans through the 33 states that use the HealthCare.gov platform. During the Open Enrollment Period, to date, approximately 2,435,000 persons have selected individual market plans. As in past years, enrollment weeks are measured Sunday through Saturday.  

More information can be obtained at Marketplace Weekly Enrollment Snapshot: Week 3 | CMS.


$1.5 billion Investment in National Health Service Corps, Nurse Corps, and Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Programs

On Monday, Vice President Harris announced a $1.5 billion investment in the National Health Service Corps, Nurse Corps, and Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery programs. These programs address workforce shortages and health disparities by providing scholarship and loan repayment funding for health care students and professionals, in exchange for a service commitment in hard-hit and high-risk communities. The American Rescue Plan funding is touted to support over 22,700 providers—skilled doctors, dentists, nurses, and behavioral health providers committed to working in underserved communities during a moment when we need them the most.

A White House press release is available here.

ASAHP Joins Coalition in Urging HRSA Health Professions Workforce Funding

ASAHP joined the Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition (HPNEC) in urging Congress to provide at least the House-passed level of $980 million for the HRSA Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce development programs for FY 2022. The House-passed levels are an essential first step in achieving HPNEC’s recommendation of providing $1.51 billion for the Titles VII and VIII programs.

The letter may be accessed here.

Scorecard On Racial And Ethnic Health Disparities

A new report from the Commonwealth Fund finds that health care systems are failing many people of color in every state. The scorecard reveals that, even in high-performing states, racial and ethnic health disparities can be dramatic. In states whose health systems historically have performed poorly for both white and Black individuals, white residents still receive far better care. 

The Scorecard can be obtained at https://view.email-commonwealthfund.org/?qs=1692395c31238fe69ecaafec6d4c5bd1b46e23259f0ebd38831e6b2b84e6a220853a3324495f8261c561fa3a4092e5f1315b9c6926dc62c306d2320df19dfd86a3946b400ec0c0e43f69c36503e9f4e5.

Board Member Spotlight: ASAHP President Deb Larsen, PhD

Over the next few weeks, we will be spotlighting our new ASAHP Board Members, beginning with our new President Dr. Deborah Larsen, PhD, FASAHP. President Larsen was elected to the Board of Directors in 2019 and has served as the Board liaison to the Leadership Development Committee, Co-Chair for the biennial Leadership Development Program, and on the Annual Conference Planning Committee. She is also a graduate of ASAHP’s Leadership Development Program along with our Past President Phyllis King, PhD, FASAHP.

In addition to her service at ASAHP, Dr. Larsen holds several senior roles at Ohio State University, including Director of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences; Associate Dean of the College of Medicine; and Associate Vice President for Health Sciences. She received her doctorate in Psychobiology from Ohio State and her recent scholarship has focused on addressing the impact of sensory and cognitive dysfunction and secondary neural reorganization on functional and quality of life outcomes in patients post-stroke.

We interviewed Dr. Larsen last week during our National Allied Health Week celebration. Learn more about her work and plans for the Association during her presidency below.

Education Officials Testify on the Implementation of COVID-19 Education Funds

Today, two Department of Education officials participated in a hearing held by two subcommittees of the House Committee on Education and Labor. Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten and Under Secretary James Kvaal fielded questions on the amount of relief money that has been disbursed, states’ use of relief funds, and other topics.

The hearing may be accessed here. An article by Inside Higher Ed may be accessed here.

CBO To Release A Cost Estimate For The Build Back Better Act

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is in the process of preparing a cost estimate for the current version of H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act (Rules Committee Print 117-18 incorporating a manager’s amendment by Congressman Yarmuth). CBO has provided technical assistance to committees as they developed their proposals for various parts of the bill. The analysis of the many provisions is complicated, and CBO will provide a cost estimate for the entire bill as soon as practicable and possibly by November 19.  CBO is releasing estimates for individual titles of bills as they are completed. 

Update: The cost estimate is available here.

The Rules Committee Print can be obtained at https://rules.house.gov/sites/democrats.rules.house.gov/files/Section_by_Section_BBB_RCP117-18.pdf.

HRSA Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Funding Opportunity

HRSA has released a Notice Of Funding Opportunity announcement for Leadership Education in Adolescent Health grants through the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development. The purpose of the LEAH Program is to improve the quality of care and equitable access to appropriate health services for adolescents and young adults (AYA) by preparing leaders in AYA health through interdisciplinary training at the graduate and post-graduate levels. One objective is to prepare diverse AYA health professionals, through didactic, experiential, and research-based interdisciplinary education and training in core health disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, and social work.Eligible applicants include domestic public and nonprofit private institutions of higher learning. Seven awards are expected for $3,245,594 in estimated total program funding. The application deadline is February 1, 2022.

More information may be accessed here.

Health Care In Rural America

A new report from AARP, the first in a series, focuses on the general health of rural adults age 40 and older, their access to health care — both in-person and virtual —, and the challenges they face in seeking it. Findings are based on a survey that was conducted from November 20 to December 18, 2021. 

The report can be obtained at https://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/research/surveys_statistics/health/2021/health-care-rural-america.doi.10.26419-2Fres.00447.001.pdf.

Colorado’s New Guidance On Transgender Health

Under federal and state law, insurers must cover gender-affirming care for transgender individuals, such as medically necessary mental health care, hormone therapy, and surgical treatments. A report from The Commonwealth Fund reviews the state of insurance coverage for gender-affirming care, including improvements made by the Affordable Care Act, as well as action Colorado took to help address barriers to care. That state’s response may prove helpful to other jurisdictions seeking to help ensure nondiscriminatory coverage. 

The report can be obtained at Unpacking Colorado’s New Guidance on Transgender Health | Commonwealth Fund.

Health And Health System Job Increases

According to preliminary data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment at hospitals and health systems increased by more than 1,000 jobs in October. U.S. jobs overall increased by 531,000. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and health systems have added just over 41,000 jobs, but remain below their February 2020 peak. 

An economic news release can be obtained at https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t17.htm.

HHS Workforce Strategic Plan

The recently released HHS Workforce Strategic Plan provides a forward-looking framework for health workforce improvements focused on four key goals: Expanding supply, Ensuring equitable distribution, Improving quality, and Enhancing the use of data and evidence to improve program outcomes.

The plan can be obtained at Health Workforce Strategic Plan (hrsa.gov).