Senate Committee Calls for Comments on HEA Accountability Provisions

Sen. Lamar Alexander, Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee has circulated a White Paper on higher education accountability and is seeking comments by Thursday, February 15 at 5pm. The White Paper provides an overview of federal accountability requirements and considers a number of concepts or proposals for updating the measures.

The White Paper may be accessed here. Information on submitting comments may be accessed here. A statement issued by Ranking Member Patty Murray may be accessed here

Workers’ Ranking Of Health Care As A Critical Issue

Workers rank health care as the most critical issue in the nation, according to new research from the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI).  A survey finds that a majority of workers describe the health care system as poor or fair, although workers’ satisfaction in their own health plans remains high. Rising health care costs have implications for financial wellbeing among workers. Of the one-half of workers reporting cost increases, 26% state they have decreased their contributions to retirement plans and 43% have decreased their contributions to other savings.

The report can be obtained at